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  • Writer's pictureCoach Ronarid

The Story So Far

In August of this year, the near legendary Halfling Blood Bowl team, Ill Culinary Behaviour, emerged from a hiatus of over five years. Also known as the Hip Hop Halflings, the team disappeared after their crowning glory of finishing a season with a winning record (3-2-2) in the (now defunct) Blood Bowl 1 Agile league.

This week, in a shock announcement they signed up for the Blood Bowel - a long running online Blood Bowl tournament, run my members of the (now defunct) Guardian GamesBlog.

Obviously only an idiot or a masochist plays Halflings, so as an idiotic masochist I thought it would be a good idea to document the lows and lows of the campaign, as a means of making the injuries, losses and occasional glorious pyrrhic victory mean something... but first some history:


Ill Culinary Behaviour

Ill Culinary Behaviour featured in five seasons of an agile-only league. Joining in the second season, I was only admitted to the league on the understanding I played a Stunty team as punishment for my participation in a controversial splitter league, run by a renowned scoundrel and his tantrum-throwing side kick. At the time, I was a Blood Bowl addict and happily agreed to take Flings. The league comprised all elf teams and bizarrely one Amazon team, who after getting numerous Guard pieces swiftly dominated the second season and was kicked out, but I digress.

The Hip Hop Halflings

Combining two of my great loves, old school Hip Hop and food, the team was purely an excuse for some puns, but after five seasons I had grown to love these little guys, like a band of small fat brothers. By the end of five campaigns I closed with a record of 3-2-2, meaning I had done the unthinkable and delivered a winning record, thanks in no small part to my Superstar AG4 Fling, Flavor Flavoursome Stew.

The final Ill Culinary Behaviour roster

Flavor Flavoursome Stew was a clutch player for me, boasting 11 touchdowns and over 550 rushing yards, more than the rest of the team put together. Overall, he's probably the reason I loved the Flings so much.

Obviously this team can't carry over to a new tournament, so read on for the next generation of pastry puns...

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