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  • Writer's pictureCoach Ronarid

Matchday 2 Preview – Pro(ne) Elves

So looking back on matchday 1, overall I’m pretty happy but there were two areas of disappointment, primarily my lack of fouling chances due to struggling to get the Wights on the floor and Will’s very passive first half defence. Second was I was one TTM away from scoring in the first half, so should really have won. In terms of areas for improvement, I think probably I should have been more focused on scoring than managing the clock for the first half drive, probably can’t afford to think too much about game management with Flings, just take points where they are on offer.


Onto game 2 against SacredChilli’s Walking Casualties – a Pro Elf team that won 3-1 in their first match versus Jip Jipperson’s Dark Elves. Not much to learn from scouting the match itself which was a veritable dumpster fire of failed dodges and fumbled catches; probably the biggest takeaway is that there will be two journeymen and no subs. We’ll be facing a thrower, two catchers and two blitzers with either 260 or 310 in inducements depending on whether Chris Chilli buys an apo or not. Considering the amount of fouls he’s likely to face I expect the apo to be essential.

So with 310 we have an interesting choice – Deeproot and nothing else, or the Chef and a babe with either a wizard, Puggy Baconbreath or Willow Rosebark. Given the lack of block and dodge on the boxfresh Pro Elves, I’m seeing a Chef as essential, plus Deeproot might be a little slow to get to grips with a bunch of AG4 speedsters, so the choice is a wizard, Puggy Baconbreath or Willow Rosebark. Willow looks good as a budget option, but with no Block and loner, I wouldn’t be sure that she is the best choice to be my main blitzer. As far as the wizard goes, versus Elves I don’t see it delivering too much value except in very situational use of the lightning bolt if I need to clear a key player to run in a TD or prevent a breakaway score… so it looks like a season debut from Puggy to be my main blitzer and general irritant. I imagine the elves will be running away from the trees for most of the match, so to have a blocking St3 piece to hopefully bring some down for a kicking will be essential. Should be a fun match, confident the elves will outscore us but I’m hoping for some TDs of our own and if we get an early numbers advantage we will be looking to really whale on the AV7 pieces.

Puggy is primed and ready to smack down some Catchers

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